/me looks at $0;/me types '/kick $0' as fast as he can...;/kick $C $0 /say "I think therefore I am.";/say Hmm.. I guess $0 isn't.;/kick $C $0 Can I borrow your head for my rock garden ? See you around.. Thanks for visiting. Don't come back. Watch your mouth. Go and play elsewhere, child. Does this look like a charity? bugger off. Your proctologist called... your head is ready. What part of No did you find confusing? I'm tired....drag yourself outside and kick the crap out of yourself. See folks? This is what happens when your family tree doesn't fork. You're unfriendly, which is fortunate, really. You'd be difficult to like. I find your breath offensive... it's keeping you alive. You sick puppy! It's time for your shot... like the one Old Yeller got. To err is human, to forgive is Not Channel Policy. Support Search and Rescue...GET LOST! Sorry... wrong answer. But thanks for playing. Now is an excellent time to become a missing person. ...you kiss your mother with that mouth? Idiot. That's Danish for idiot. /me smells something bad...;/me looks at $0;/kick $C $0 /me points the BFG-9000 at $0 and pulls the trigger;/me listens for the "AYAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!";/me laughs as $0 is blown back 20 feet and his hollowed out carcass slams against the wall!;/kick $C $0 /me turns on some tunes...;/me grabs a dancing flower and shoves it up $0's butt!;/me watches as $0 goes through several interesting convulsions;/kick $C $0 /say $0:;/say What is your name?;/say What is your quest?;/say What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow???;/kick $C $0 /me grabs $0 by the hair and jams his face into the toilet...;/me does the royal flush!;/kick $C $0 /me pulls out his portable chalkboard..;/me shows $0 the function of relativity for chaos mathematics;/me watches as $0's brain explodes in a puff of putrid smoke!;/kick $C $0 /me decides to use calculus on $0;/me takes the second derivative of $0;/me is astonished! He has just disproven $0's existance!;/kick $C $0 /me THiNKZ DaT $0 HaZ aNGeReD Da iRC DaeMoNS!#!!!#!%!11!;/me SeNDZ $0's SoUL To a FaTe WoRSe THaN DeaTH: /DeV/NuLL!#!!11!!!;/me *** LAMER PROTECTION ENGAGED ***;/me *** TARGETTING LAMER;/kick $C $0;/me *** LAMER REMOVAL COMPLETE /me suggests that $0 do his Kurt Kobain impression..;/me hands $0 a shotgun;/kick $C $0 /me waves an ancient druid sceptre over $0;/me chants "KLATU! VERATTA! NIKTU!";/me waits as nothing happens;/me says "screw this!" and shoves the sceptre up $0's butt!;/kick $C $0 /me waves a magic sceptre over $0's head;/me summons $0's worst nightmares to devour him;/me watches as $0 is chased off the channel by Roseanne Arnold;/kick $C $0 /me dares $0 to go to #twilight_zone and ask for a copy of PhoEniX!;/me watches as $0 is killed a few times and banned from his server...;/kick $C $0 /me points his magic wand at $0;/me casts Evard's black tentacles at $0;/me watches as $0 is dragged under the surface of the tub!;/kick $C $0 /me grabs $0's nostril and stretches it WAAAY open!;/me shoves a running chainsaw up $0's nostril and lets go;/kick $C $0 /me holds a vial of a deadly substance over $0's head;/me breaks the vial, spilling the poison on $0!;/me laughs as $0 turns into... MiSTiK!!!;/kick $C $0 /me points his magic wand at $0;/me shoots a flaming ball at $0 and watches as his life drains away...;/say Life?!?!? He's on IRC all the damn time!;/kick $C $0 /me passes $0 the medicated facewash...;/say You're putting too much strain on that monitor!;/kick $C $0 /me spits out a wad of tobacco;/say *shplit*;/me looks at $0;/say We don't like yer kind 'round here, so git b'fore eh shuve;/say dis here shotgun up yer yankee butt...;/kick $C $0;/say Mayn, dat boy shure had nice teeth! /me chills $0 to absolute zero, stopping atomic motion and causing him to collapse in on himself and create a small black hole...;/kick $C $0 /me gets a wild grin on his face...;/me grabs a can of liquid nitrogen and pours it down $0's crotch!;/kick $C $0 /say $0: I have only one word to describe you...;/say ;/kick $C $0 /me looks at $0;/me looks at his toilet;/me looks at his cat's butt;/me looks at $0's mom;/me looks at $0;/kick $C $0 /say $0... I'm not surprised.;/say As a matter of fact, I think I'm gonna have a heart attack and die from my non-surprise.;/kick $C $0 /say $0... Can I borrow your head?;/say for my rock garden..;/kick $C $0 /say $0... Is that your head or did someone figure out a way to grow hair on a dildo?!?!?;/kick $C $0 /say $0... I heard you are bi...;/say When you want sex, you buy!;/kick $C $0 /me snaps his fingers and a Tasmanian Devil appears.;/me points at $0 and utters the magic word...;/say food (i.e. Bunny Rabbit);/kick $C $0 /say When $0 was made, a huge glorious thundering voice sounded from the heavens above and said:;/sleep 1;/say Oops...;/kick $C $0 /me grabs a pair of headphones and clamps them to $0's head.;/me cranks up "Achy Breaky Heart!";/say Kills 'em every time!;/kick $C $0 /me notices that $0 is on this channel.;/say We'll fix that!;/kick $C $0 /say WHOOOA!! $0!! WHOooOOA!;/say when I say whoa, I mean WHOA!;/kick $C $0;/say $0's is sooo stupid... /say $0... Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?;/say Ahh... I see you've been rubbing my rhubarb..;/kick $C $0 /me decides there is a better use for $0's net connection;/me shoves $0's T1 internet line up his butt ;/kick $C $0 /say I've got it!;/say $N killed $0 with the lead pipe on ${C}!;/kick $C $0 /me points his magic wand at $0 and speaks in an arcane tongue as his eyes turn red..;/me teleports $0 to.... Area 51!;/me wonders if the next civilization will find $0 in an empty fuel drum buried under 5 feet of concrete??;/kick $C $0 /say What the hell is that smell?;/kick $C $0;/say Ok.. it's gone /say alias test \{//kick $C $0\};/kick $C $0;/say Cool.. it works! /me change "+il 1" on channel $C by $0;/kick $C $0;/me change "-il" on channel $C by $N;/say Damn takeover attempts! /me thinks he sees a clonebot!;/kick $C $0;/say Well, it wasn't much more than a clonebot... /me change "+o $0" on channel $C by $S;/say *** Netsplit hack detected ***;/kick $C $0 /me hands $0 a slice of red meat...;/say Here, it'll make you run faster!;/me unleashes the dobermans.;/kick $C $0 /me sneaks into $0's car...;/me replaces $0's MegadetH CD with the new Enigma CD!;/me laughs as $0 falls asleep at the wheel and crashes...;/kick $C $0 /me decides to become a priest and take an oath of chastity...;/say After seeing $0's face!;/kick $C $0 /say Hey, $0! Shut up or I'll wound your inner child!;/say And then I'll kick your ass!;/kick $C $0